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This was our second year serving at Word Alive. It was an unexpected treat to be asked back so soon and it felt like we were all family together. I took my Wife and children with me and they really appreciated the fantastic kids work at Word Alive. 


A highlight for me was the joy in praising our Saviour together on the last night. The gospel choir joined us as a team and there was movement, clapping and even a bit of dancing to a new song "Risen King" we introduced. This conference had the best ending to a conference I've ever known! People were wanting more songs as they went out and we cranked out "Happy Day" then "Risen King" and I've never known a conference to go out with dancing like we had. It was a true joy that it was initiated from the people rather than from the platform!


Another highlight was our time together as a band. We try to have team time a few times when we are away together but we couldn't find the time in the first couple of days so we ended up praying for one another on the Monday evening (our night off). We were sharing and praying for THREE HOURS! It might have been one of the most encouraging times of prayer that I've had and it was fantastic to share life with Jonny, Laurence, Andi, Tom, David and Jess in Wales.


We led the adult and student celebrations each evening and Ben Slee and his team from Christ Church Mayfair led the mornings. I used two songs from my album "The Stream" (download it here) If you'd like a couple of backing tracks for free click here. We did a brand new song in the student meetings "Risen King" which was released in May. 



Fountain of Goodness













My Treasure













Jesus is the Lord of all













Holy is the Name (new song we taught)













Risen King (New Song)













Here's the full songlist we used during the week:


Saturday Evening (Early & Late Celebrations)

Here is Love- G (R. Lowry with extra verse)

Fountain of Goodness- C (O. Knight)


What a Beautiful Name- E (B. Ligertwood)

In Christ Alone- E (S. Townend)

This is Amazing Grace- G (P. Wickham)


Jesus is the Lord of All-Bb (O. Knight & T. James)


Sunday Evening (Early Celebration)

Amazing Grace- G (I. Watts. Citizens version)

All Hail the Lamb- G (R. Mark)

Lion and the Lamb- G (Leeland)

Holy is the Name- G (O. Knight & T. James)

I Stand Amazed- E (C. Gabriel)


You Never Let Go- Bb (M. Redman)


Sunday Evening (Late Celebration)

My Treasure- F# (O. Knight)

Lion and the Lamb- G (Leeland)

Who You say I am- G (B. Fielding)

Holy is the Name- G (O. Knight & T. James)

I Stand Amazed- E (C. Gabriel)


Christ is Enough- A (R. Morgan)


Tuesday Evening (Early Celebration)

O Praise the Name- A (M. Sampson)


O Lord my God- B (S. Hine)

Happy Day- B (T. Hughes)

My Treasure- E (O. Knight)

All I Once held dear- C (G. Kendrick)


Before the Throne- D (V. Cook)

There is a Redeemer- D (K. Green)


Tuesday Evening (Late Celebration)

O Lord my God- B (S. Hine)


O Praise the Name- A (M. Sampson)

Happy Day- B (T. Hughes)

Risen King- B (O. Knight)

Forever- Ab (B. Johnson)


Before the Throne- D (V. Cook)

There is a Redeemer- D (K. Green)


Wednesday Evening (Early Celebration with choir)

There's no one like Jesus- G 

Lord I lift your name- G (R. Founds)


Be Thou my Vision- E (D. Forgaill)

My Treasure- E (O. Knight)

10,000 Reasons- E (M. Redman)

Man of Sorrows-E (B. Ligertwood)


Your Blood- A (M. Redman)


Wednesday Evening (Late Celebration with choir)

There's no one like Jesus- G 

Lord I lift your name- G (R. Founds)


Be Thou my Vision- E (D. Forgaill)

Risen King- B (O. Knight)

Who You say I am- G (B. Fielding)

Man of Sorrows-E (B. Ligertwood)


Cornerstone- E (R. Morgan)

What can wash- E

I exalt Thee- E (P. Sanchez)


Thursday Morning

Rejoice- A (D. Kensrue)

Jesus is the Lord of All- Bb (O. Knight & T. James)


Fountain of Goodness- D (O. Knight)

Oh to see the dawn- C (S. Townend)

When I Survey- E (I. Watts)


Holy is the Name- G (O. Knight & T. James)


O Church Arise- D (K. Getty)

My Treasure- E (O. Knight)

Happy Day- C (T. Hughes)

Risen King- B (O. Knight)



I hope this list is helpful. All songs are available to view on YouTube and the vast majority are available to purchase from iTunes! 


If you want to watch the live streams from the event they will be up for a few weeks. Head to


One of the highlights of the week was spending time with Ben Slee and his team. I'd really commend their new EP "Making all things New". My favourite track is one they introduced called "Creator God"

Written on 16/04/18 by Olly Knight​

Word Alive 2018 Songs


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