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This is my favourite page! Here you'll find links to different articles written by myself and others all designed to equip you as a worshipper or worship leader. There are different sections from the theology of worship to our ability as a musician. There will be a new article every few weeks. To stay updated follow me on Twitter or like my Facebook page (links at the bottom of the page).


Theology isn't a dull and lifeless part of worship ministry. Theology informs us of who we worship. Good theology will grow our love for Jesus and fuel our worship of Him!


Why do Christians sing?


Recommended Books on Worship


Worship in Spirit & Truth


Worship in Spirit 


Worship in Truth


The Church is God's Dwelling Place



Here you'll find links to articles and videos to help you as a musician within your worship team. Being skilled in how we play our instrument is a must.


Leading the Band just with your Voice


Backing Tracks


Breaking out of the Soft Rock Mould


How to make Band Practices even Better


New Arrangements for Worship Songs


Worship Band Training Weekend Review


I'm convinced that the role of a worship leader is more than just the guy or girl that sings the tunes but actually someone who leads people on a journey.

Building a worship team


How should I react when I'm complimented?


Being Missional


Leading the congregation & taking risks


Preparing to lead worship on a Sunday Morning


Switch off to Switch on (phone addiction)


Well crafted songs that capture truth and a heartfelt connection with Jesus are so needed in our churches. There's so many songwriters out there, how should we write?

What inspires you to write?


Writing songs in teams


Using themes in songs


Songwriting Retreats



© 2023 by Olly Knight

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